How to Mute a Video in iMovie (Step by Step)


Pragadeesh N - February 20, 2021 - Leave your thoughts. 6 min read

Looking to mute a video in iMovie on iPhone, iPad, or your Mac computer?

Whether you want to mute a video using the iMovie app or the desktop software, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll show you how to mute a video in the iMovie app on your iPhone or iPad and the iMovie desktop software on your Mac computer.

Also, as a bonus, we’ll show you an easier way to remove audio from a video on your Mac computer.

Here’s everything we’ll cover, feel free to jump around:

How to mute a video using the iMovie app on your iPhone or iPad

How to mute a video using the iMovie desktop software on your Mac computer

How to mute a video on your Mac computer: The Easy Way

How to Mute a Video in iMovie App on iPhone or iPad

You can use the iMovie app to mute your videos on iPhone or iPad. If you don’t have the iMovie app on your iPhone or iPad, you can download and install iMovie for iOS

Once you have installed the iMovie app on your iPhone or iPad, follow the steps below to mute your videos using it:

  1. Open the iMovie app and tap on the Create Project button.
    tap create project button
  2. Now from the New Project window, select Movie.
    select movie
  3. Then tap Create Movie text button at the bottom of the app screen.
    tap create movie text button
  4. Now tap on the area that says Tap + to add videos, photos, or audio to import the video for which you want to remove the sound.
    tap to add video
  5. Under the VIDEOS & PHOTOS category, tap Video.
    tap video
  6. Then tap All, and tap on the video for which you’d like to remove the audio.
    tap all
  7. Now tap the blue round button with the tick mark on it and then tap Create Movie at the bottom of the app screen.
    tap blue round button
  8. From the timeline, tap on the video to select it—it’ll be highlighted in yellow to indicate that it’s been selected.
    tap video clip to select
  9. Tap on the audio icon. This will change the icon to show a muted icon and the slider handle will move to the complete left.
    tap audio button to mute
  10. Once you’re done muting the video, tap on the Done text button in the top left corner of the app screen.
    tap done to save and mute video

How to Mute a Video in iMovie on Mac

If you’re a Mac user, you can use iMovie to mute your videos. Here are the steps to mute a video using the desktop software on Mac:

  1. Open iMovie and click on the Create New button.
    click create project button
  2. Now select Movie from the resulting dropdown menu.
    pick movie from the dropdown
  3. Click on the Import Media button and select the video you want to mute.
    click on the import media button
  4. Once the video’s been imported, drag and drop it onto the timeline.
    drop the video onto timeline
  5. Now from the timeline, right-click on the video and select Detach Audio from the dropdown menu. This will separate or detach the audio from the video.
    select video clip and detach audio
  6. Now delete the audio you separated or detached from the video in the previous step. In your timeline, you can find the audio file (or layer) right below the video file.
    find audio track below video
  7. Then, you can either delete it by simply clicking on it—it’ll be highlighted in yellow to indicate that it’s been selected—and hitting the delete key, or by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete from the dropdown menu.
    select video clip and delete

How to Remove Audio from a Video on Mac: The Easy Way

If you’re a Mac user, you can use Animaker’s video muter to easily mute videos for free! All it takes is 3 simple steps to remove audio or sound and download your videos using our super-simple video muting tool.

For those who are unaware of Animaker, it is an all-in-one DIY video-making app designed to help non-designers make professional-quality videos from the comfort of their browser.

Our video muting tool works on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc., and if you use one of these browsers, you can easily mute your videos on your Mac computer. 

If you’re looking to quickly mute your videos for Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook, then Animaker’s video muter is the best tool for the job. Also, you can mute videos in MP4, MPG, WebM, MOV, and more formats.

Step 1: Sign Up/Sign In and Pick the Dimensions

First, sign in to your account or create a free one. Now choose the dimensions or the social platform for your video. What’s the aspect ratio you’d want your output video to be in? Pick Square, Landscape, or Vertical from the Create a video section in your dashboard. Or you can pick custom dimensions of your choice using the Custom Size button.

pick the dimensions

click on the custom size button

enter the custom width and height

Step 2: Upload the Video and Remove the Audio From It

Now upload the video you want to mute or remove audio from. You can upload videos up to 20 GB in size. Navigate to the Upload tab in the main menu bar and click on the Upload button at the bottom of the tab window.

go to uploads tab and click upload button

Now click on the video to set it onto the canvas.

set the video you want to mute

Then, click on the scissor icon in the top right corner of the project’s canvas.

click on the scissor icon

In the popup window, you’ll find an audio button (the speaker icon) in the bottom right corner. 

click on the yellow audio icon

Simply click on the yellow speaker icon to mute your video. Once you click on the icon, you’ll notice that it’ll display the mute icon to indicate that the sound has been removed. Now click on the round green button in the bottom right corner.

click on the green button

Optionally, you can also add a voiceover, or add background music to your video. If you want to add a voiceover, you’ve got three ways to do that: you can record your own voiceover, upload a voiceover file, or generate voiceover using text. To add a voiceover, click on the Video Timeline icon, then click on the Voiceover icon in the bottom left corner of the app screen, and pick an option from the dropdown menu.

add voiceover

To add background music to your video, simply head to the Music tab and pick a background music track from our huge, free music library.

add music track

Step 3: Preview and Download

You can preview the video by clicking on the play button beside the Share button. You can then download the video to your computer by clicking on the Publish button and then selecting Download Video from the dropdown menu. Or share it directly to various social media platforms from within the app.

download muted video

Apart from letting you remove audio from your videos, Animaker offers other essential video editing tools you’d need to edit your videos for your social media channels and website.

You can use Animaker’s video editor to:

And the list goes on… feel free to check out these tools and learn why it’s the go-to video editor for marketers and content creators.

Got any questions about muting your videos on iMovie? Any interesting tips or tools to mute videos on Mac that we seem to have left out? Please let us know about them in the comment section below.

video editor end cta

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