How to make a collage on iPhone? [Without Paying Even $1]


Creating a collage is a great way to make a lasting memory. Just a photo or video collage will help us recall the fun we had, and it will undoubtedly make you smile—for example, a fun weekend with friends, a long overdue vacation, wedding celebrations, etc. Even the making process (combining multiple photos into one […]

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How to extract subtitles from video quickly! [3 best methods]


Aksara NKR - August 1, 2023


Subtitles are truly amazing! They serve as a bridge between languages, allowing people worldwide to connect and enjoy the beauty of storytelling. With subtitles, language barriers are no longer a hindrance; everyone can fully immerse themselves in the experience. It’s incredible how something so simple can profoundly impact our ability to communicate and understand each […]

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How to translate subtitles in less than a minute! [3 different methods]


Aksara NKR - July 21, 2023


Subtitles are a great way to make your videos accessible & reach a wider audience. This is because they help improve your videos’ overall quality by providing additional context and clarity. If you’re looking to translate your subtitle into multiple languages, you can do it manually or use online subtitle translator tools that will help […]

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How to make a video collage? [Web+Mobile]


Video collages are a fantastic way to bring together a series of short videos and images to create a lasting memory or even a spectacular social media post!  But how do you make video collages, especially if you are an amateur? 🤔 Well, look no further! Try Animaker’s Video Collage Maker!  It not only has […]

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How to Add a Voiceover on Google Slides: A Quick Guide


Creating a presentation is like creating a beautiful piece of art. It requires skill and creativity to put together an impressive presentation. One effective way to make your presentations stand out is by adding voiceovers to your Google Slides! Voiceovers are like narrations/recordings of a person speaking, and they can make your presentations more engaging […]

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Create Engaging Animated Videos On Your Own

Our drag-and-drop builder makes it easy for anyone to create pro-level animated videos using pre-made templates and ready-to-go assets with zero technical skills.