How to extract subtitles from video quickly! [3 best methods]


Aksara NKR - August 1, 2023


Subtitles are truly amazing! They serve as a bridge between languages, allowing people worldwide to connect and enjoy the beauty of storytelling. With subtitles, language barriers are no longer a hindrance; everyone can fully immerse themselves in the experience. It’s incredible how something so simple can profoundly impact our ability to communicate and understand each […]

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How to translate subtitles in less than a minute! [3 different methods]


Aksara NKR - July 21, 2023


Subtitles are a great way to make your videos accessible & reach a wider audience. This is because they help improve your videos’ overall quality by providing additional context and clarity. If you’re looking to translate your subtitle into multiple languages, you can do it manually or use online subtitle translator tools that will help […]

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Diversity Animation: Everything you need to know


Aksara NKR - July 18, 2023


We all love watching animated movies, don’t we?! Thanks to nostalgia or quirky effects, animation as a medium has the power to captivate audiences of all ages and backgrounds! So watching cartoons and animated movies has always been great! But in how many movies have you noticed diverse characters? Not many, right? Here are some […]

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15 Creative Social Media Video Ideas to make your brand stand out


Aksara NKR - July 6, 2023


Social Media has transformed into an essential part for businesses and individuals to showcase their products, services, and talents. With so many options available to use for promotion, social media videos have proven to be highly effective. Videos possess a unique ability to captivate and engage the audience in a unique way, thereby making it […]

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Create Engaging Animated Videos On Your Own

Our drag-and-drop builder makes it easy for anyone to create pro-level animated videos using pre-made templates and ready-to-go assets with zero technical skills.