The very thought of a business meeting paints a picture of boredom in the minds of most employees. This is mainly because of never ending chain of long and boring ppts. The speaker faces an awkward situation of distracted listeners with looks astray on their watches or mobile phones. This scenario is common for all […]
For generations, sports events and sports stars have inspired people with their hard work and the love they have for their game. There have been moments where the sheer will and perseverance of the athletes have overcome all odds to win championships for their nations. In addition to the drama and excitement that these sports […]
There is no denying the fact that teachers play a crucial role in the early stages of an individual’s life. Spending 8 hours a day and 5 days a week with students, a teacher is sure to become one of the most influential people in a student’s life. The advent technological gadgets and the internet […]
Sports for many is more than just a hobby. For some it’s their profession, for some, it’s their means of physical exercise. But for a sports fan (which most of us are), it’s a whole other feeling. For most of these fans, sports acts as a temporary relief from the seriousness of the real world. […]
We have been hearing about explainer videos for an eternity now! But in the current era, is it still relevant and important to make a big impact online? The answer is a big YES! Businesses have now acknowledged the fact that a good online presence can go a long way in communicating information to people […]
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