25 quotes from sporting legends which can motivate startup enthusiasts!
Inspirational sports quotes for startup enthusiasts

For generations, sports events and sports stars have inspired people with their hard work and the love they have for their game. There have been moments where the sheer will and perseverance of the athletes have overcome all odds to win championships for their nations. In addition to the drama and excitement that these sports […]


[ Free kit ] An end to end guide for Explainer video making!
Guide for making an awesome Explainer Video

We have been hearing about explainer videos for an eternity now! But in the current era, is it still relevant and important to make a big impact online? The answer is a big YES! Businesses have now acknowledged the fact that a good online presence can go a long way in communicating information to people […]


11 VR Marketing Campaigns that prove you are already late!
Virtual Reality Marketing Campaigns

VR is no more a technology only for gamers. It has captured the imagination of content creators from movie-makers to advertising agencies. VR provides an up-close, interactive, personal and potentially impactful experience to viewers. VR video viewers wear a VR headset that has controls to facilitate an immersive and interactive experience. VR videos place the […]


4 Facebook features to boost your Video Marketing Efforts!
Facebook Features Video Marketing

If you are among those convinced that videos can touch every horizon of the online audience, then, Video Marketing on Facebook is the right way for you to spread it across. With the popular “Facebook videos”, the reason has become even stronger. `With a whopping number of 500 million active users, Facebook now stands as […]


Big Data visualization made simple using video infographics
Video infographics: The new face of Big data visualisation

These facts about big data will amaze you. It is estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. Most of the US companies have at least 100 terabytes of data stored. The New York Stock Exchange captures 1 TB of trade information in every session. As of 2011, the global size of healthcare […]



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