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Take down the Big Guns this year using the power of Social Videos!

Just 10 years ago, it was easier for a startup or a small business to get leads through their blog or website. The competition was far less. It was easier to rank in Google back in those days. But once everyone started to take the blog route, it just got too crowded.

Moreover, companies that have been blogging for years have huge Domain Authority. Whatever they publish on a given keyword starts to rank! Luckily, when it comes to Social Media, it’s a level playing field.

For small businesses, It’s much easier to get traction using Social Media than SEO. But even Social Media has changed a lot since its inception. What used to work 4-5 years ago don’t work anymore. A huge evolution has taken place.

Advantages of Social Media:

  1. It is much more cost-effective when compared to traditional marketing
  2. It is easier to have conversations and keep in touch with your customers. This means that you can easily build relationships that inspire and motivate them to buy your product.

In 2018, what works the most in Social Media are videos. If you can crack Social Videos, this will be your year!

Advantages of Video:

Videos are much more informative and visually appealing than any other media content.

Social Media giants like Facebook give preference to video over other content when it comes to shareability.

Here's a really cool Infographic from Filmora that gives you insane tips to leverage Social Videos:

Social Video Infographic


The first thing you have to do now is to sit down with your marketing team and create a detailed Social Video strategy. Decide how many videos you are going to publish this quarter and allocate a budget for it. Make sure you document everything. It really increases the chances of success when it comes to video marketing.

These tips will make it easy for you to strategize. As a small business, if you want to take down the big guns this year, social video is the way to go!


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