Introducing 6 New Professional woman characters with 1100+ animations!
Since the first women’s day, we’ve come a long way!
Yet, according to the World Economic Forum, we are still 217 years away from Gender Parity!
We at Animaker, are on a mission to speed up the process. But how?
It all starts with stories. Stories have the power to change the world.
Stories create culture.
This is why the stories which happened thousands of years ago are still inspiring people today.
In Today’s world, storytelling has moved on from cave walls to Facebook walls. And with the dawn of technology, stories are created every second.
A video is created every third minute from Animaker alone! We are literally taking part in shaping our culture.
It’s a serious responsibility and the problem of women inequality is a serious concern for us. We believe that there just aren’t enough stories out there describing the very important role women play in the society.
So meet our new female characters:Emilia - The Astronaut
Emilia used to love space as a kid. Little did she know that she’d grow to become the first person to visit the International Space Station 17 times. She is the fittest astronaut on planet Earth and is designated to be the first human to land on Mars.
From almost being hit by a shooting star, to being chased by aliens, she’s seen it all!

Tori - The Fashion Designer
Tori is a passionate fashion designer. She owns a boutique and is a one-woman army! She does everything from designing clothes to stitching them and even showcasing them.
She loves going on trips and takes her little car out whenever she gets some free time!

Rachel - The Corporate Executive
Rachel is the CEO of Toruk Enterprises. Though she is one of the few women in a Board Meeting, when she speaks, everyone listens!
She earns much more than an average man in the same position. She’s a great example of how a woman can dominate the ranks and become a key player in a corporate environment.
She loves meditation and does it quite often in her office. Because of her dynamic nature and go-getter attitude, she’s earned the tag - corporate wonder woman!

Monica - The Doctor
Monica is the sweetest doctor you’ll ever meet! She is the only doc on the planet who can do everything from fixing broken bones to performing open heart surgeries and healing eye problems!
She frequently comes on TV, citing the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. She always stresses on including fresh fruits in your diet.

Alexandra - The Teacher
Alexandra is the coolest teacher you’ll find inside the Animaker Universe. The school management loves her because she can wear many hats - from geography to chemistry or even math!
Children love her thanks to her flair in basketball. Recently, she was appointed as head coach of the high school basketball team!

Katie - The Fitness Coach
Katie is the ultimate fitness freak. She starts her day with a Zumba session. After a healthy breakfast, she starts her routine marathon training. She’s already the fastest marathon runner in her district!
She runs a fitness club where she teaches yoga and strength training.

Emilia has already hired Katie to be her personal fitness coach. Apart from Emilia, she’s managed to teach yoga to all the others as well!

These 6 characters are just a start. More female characters are coming soon!
We need more stories involving strong women. This is the only way we can push for progress and make Gender Parity a quicker reality!
Remember, one video is all it takes to change the world. Why can’t that video be yours?