How much do Youtubers get paid?
So you work 14 hours a day and earn $100,000 a year. Wow! That’s great. You must be awesome. Well, I know a guy who records himself play video games everyday and earn a freaking $12 million dollars! $12 million dollars! I can see some of you already hating him. I’m with you too. Felix Kjellberg, a swede who runs the youtube channel Pewdiepie has more than 40 million subscribers. Why God? Why? Why are you so unfair to us. No, I’m not going to stop here. I’m gonna make you feel a lot worse. Here is the list of top earning youtubers. Forget the name, just look at the numbers, the ridiculous amount of money they make.- Pewdiepie (Playing video games) - $12 million - 40 million subscribers
- Smosh (comedy sketches) - $8.5 million - 21 million subscribers
- Fine brothers entertainment (reacting to things) ARE YOU KIDDING ME! - $8.5 million - 13 million subscribers
- Lindsey Stirling (Playing Violin) - $6 million - 7 million subscribers
- Rhett and link (comedy sketches) - $4.5 million - 3 million subscribers
- KSI (Hip-Hop) - $4.5 million - 10 million subscribers
- Michelle Phan (Makeup tutorials) SERIOUSLY?! - $3 million - 8 million subscribers

PEWDIEPIE - The story of the king of Youtubers
Once upon a time, in the land of Youtube, there lived a Scandinavian named Felix Kjellberg. Like many other Youtubers, he too spent his time watching funny videos. However, on a certain auspicious day in the dragon year of AD 2010, he started a channel called PEWDIEPIE. The first video uploaded was him wandering in the fantastical land of MINECRAFT. He really liked the new world. He stumbled upon an unlucky zombie that had gotten stuck in a tree. He laughed at the zombie throughout his brief stay while speaking his native tongue - Swedish. Upon enjoying the new world, he decided to embark on a video game journey of other worlds. Now speaking in English, he became a solider in Call of Duty. While physically invisible, one could hear him speak and swear a lot. Yeah, he had a very bad mouth. The other Youtubers were attracted to his style. It was candid.
In present day, he not only makes video games commentary but also does a lotta other advertisements and reaction videos. For example, his bro army videos has quite a lotta fan followers. He kept updating himself with what’s trending.
This only says that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to making money off YouTube videos. The only important things that matter are creativity and keeping up with the trend. However, there are certain tweaks you can make for more views and therefore can reach out to more people.Video SEO
I’m sorry i’m gonna keep this very short since Video SEO by itself a huge topic that can make a tremendous impact to your videos. Therefore i’m gonna leave you with this article that covers in detail how to rank your video better.Editing
Yes. You’re more or less a filmmaker when you shoot yourself and post the videos on internet. Therefore it is only natural to focus on the post production which often makes or breaks your video. Editing is paramount to presentation. Great youtubers like Pewdiepie (you could’ve sensed by now that I’m obsessed with that guy), and Fine brothers edit their videos in such a way for engaging viewing. Take a look at the video below to understand what I mean.Make your videos addictive

Tutorials never go outta fashion
There are people who are always confused in life. What to make for dinner? Should I buy that shampoo? How does this software works? Does a horse breathes through its nose or mouth? So many confusions. If you have answers, then help them. Make tutorial videos about everything and anything. Make cooking videos. Make product reviews. Save people from confusion.Animation videos
Fun, creativity, engagement are the three pillars of entertainment. Nothing proves the aforementioned statement better than animation videos. But animation videos are expensive, very expensive to afford. That’s why people don’t upload animation videos. However, the trend is changing with the arrival of DIY animation tools. They are cheap, easy and fun. For instance, take a look at our own Animaker video. This was done by one of us at Animaker(not a really creative person and no, it's not me). But the characters are fun to play with and more importantly captivating. If you are creative enough, then you can make great money just by posting funny animation videos. Now to the most interesting part (if it becomes a reality) or also the most boring part (if it doesn’t become a reality).How to monetize your YouTube account