It’s that time of the year again when pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, and cobwebs decorate streets and homes alike. The neighborhoods are now creepy enough to get even the bravest of people a little jumpy. Last year we and our fellow Animakers sure did have a Spooktacular Halloween with the release of Dumbee Weenee, Mummo, the […]
Imagine that there is no curve in your smile, the horizon and the rainbow. How would it look? It would look as strange as an ocean without waves. Mathematically, it’s just a deviation. But it holds a great significance in life. Similarly, an animation tool without the ability to give a smooth curved animation path […]
The subsequent years after 2010 saw an unprecedented rise in online video content. Over these years, even age-old businesses have slowly accepted online video as a part of their marketing strategy. Videos, in turn, have never disappointed them till date. Marketers have been leveraging videos in all the creative aspects of marketing and have seen […]
Bill Gates once quoted “Content is king”. This quote was mentioned as early as in March 1996 when ‘online content marketing’ was just an idea, yet to be implemented. Now, ‘Content‘ has become the essence of successful online marketing. It is not just a marketing tactic anymore, but a good old marketing practice that every […]
The very thought of a business meeting paints a picture of boredom in the minds of most employees. This is mainly because of never ending chain of long and boring ppts. The speaker faces an awkward situation of distracted listeners with looks astray on their watches or mobile phones. This scenario is common for all […]
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