10 Simple Techniques to Do A/B Testing in Video Marketing
A/B testing had proved to be an effective tool in
video marketing for many companies. For a simple reason that it allows them to test more than one video at a time and find out what strategies works best for them. To increase traffic and to reduce bounce rates, A/B testing is a must. When you have videos on your website, make sure that you use the right strategies to make your visitors watch them.
By implementing A/B testing, you will be able to pinpoint at least one video marketing concept that can work for you. There are a few A/B testing tips that every company should try out.
They are as follows:
1.Change the Video Title
Try different titles for the same video - short or long, generic or specific. This will let you know which kind of title attracts your audience the best. Now, see how many people click to view your video. The video which gets maximum clicks wins. The title of the winning video is the best option for you.
2. Change Thumbnail Image
Often, people tend to judge things on the basis of the appearance. If they find something to be useless or unattractive, chances are that they will not linger on it page for long. The picture on the video's thumbnail is the first thing which captures the viewer's attention. Make sure you
create a clickable YouTube thumbnail that stirs enough curiosity among your viewers.
With the surge in the number of users who consume video content through their smartphones and tablets, thumbnails definitely has a huge impact on your audience. To do A/B testing, have two different thumbnails for your video and measure the impact.
3. Change Location/ position
The videos that you make may be simply amazing and of great quality, but you may experience very few viewership. The reason could be the wrong placement of the video on your webpage. The position of your video plays an important role when it comes to traffic generation and increase in viewership.
When a viewer visits your page, your video should be the most visible item on that page for them so that they can easily click on it and start viewing. Most of the times, placing a video in the landing page encourages viewers to click on the video and begin their journey on that site.
For A/B testing, you can place two videos at different positions on your website, and then measure the amount of viewers who see your video, see the
conversion rate from both the videos, make an overall analysis, and then adjust your placement accordingly.
4. Change the Length of the Videos

You can change the
length of your videos by cutting a few seconds at different sections of the video and then present the two videos to your viewers. Whichever video gets the most click through rate and conversion rate will be your best option.
5. Plan a Shoot with 2 Different Introductions

Take two videos that have unique
introductions. This way, the bounce rates with respect to the two introductions will let you choose the right introduction which amuses your audience.
6. Auto or Manual Video Play Modes
In another A/B testing technique, one of your videos could be set to auto play mode whereas the other video can be manually played by your viewers. Now, You can analyze the
response rates for both the video modes. For instance, in the auto mode, you can see whether your audience watch the video that plays by itself in your browser or get annoyed and quickly close the window or pause it. For the manual option, you can calculate how many viewers go out of their way to click play.
7. Use Tools like Animaker for one of the Videos
When you are strategizing for A/B testing, you can make use of two styles of videos - an
animation style and a
live video. Animation style videos can be made using tools such as
Animaker. You can upload these videos on your website and check which style of video works better for you. If people like watching the animated style, then it will show up in your metrics as an increase in the click through rate and conversion rate. You can also measure the bounce rates on videos and see which style has made viewers leave it midway. After getting all this data, you can analyze your findings, make the relevant calculations and plan your marketing strategies according to the results.
8. Try Both Self-host and YouTube
For the two videos that you are using in A/B testing, you can make use of different platforms such as
YouTube and a website (
self-host) . This will give you an indication with respect to where most of the traffic is present and which platform assures maximum viewership. The result will depend on the way your target audience might think and behave and which platform they prefer the most.
9. Be Flexible with Content
For A/B testing to show effective results, you can also bring certain changes to the content of both the videos. For instance, you can bring about differences in
voice-over, music, colors and even
gender in both the videos. This will let you analyze as to what sort of content is more appealing to your target audience.
10. Analytics - Keep Monitoring
A/B testing is an excellent tool to test the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Not loosing focus mid-way and keeping track of all data is very important. Continuous monitoring of the data and the analysis will give you great results. A/B testing is all about seeing what your target audience wants and give them exactly that . After all, if your target market is not fond of a particular approach, then there is no point investing time and energy into that approach.